Returns Policy
If we made a mistake, please contact us as soon as possible and we will fix the problem, at no additional charge to you.
If you would like to return an item for any other reason, we will gladly refund your purchase when it arrives, minus the cost of shipping.
To return an item, simply contact us and we will mail you a return shipping label. Simply repack the merchandise, attach the label to the box and mail it back to us.
We cannot refund products that have been used. Returns will not be permitted after 2 weeks past the original delivery date.
If your shipment arrives damaged, or does not arrive at all, we will take steps to make it right. Please contact us as soon as possible. Claims will not be considered after 2 weeks past the delivery date. In most cases, your order will be resent at no additional cost. Each incident will be examined on a case by case basis.